Thursday, April 7, 2011


 I thought I would document a day working at camp...

And I must apologize for the blurry photos. I'm learning the ropes on my new (to me) Nikon D90 and these photos do not do the camera justice. I should have used my flash but I was thinking the photos would be to too bright at the time. 

As I was putting up some of these photos I was thinking to myself, "Self, these are awful. You might want to fix them up in Photoshop". 

I'll call this one "Paint cans". 

Here is what I started last week. My project was to paint the Mock Rock partition white and then paint the new logo on it.

I project the new logo onto the partition and then just paint over the lines. Easy Peasy. Except that the colors on the font are darker in at the outer edges. So I needed to mix and mix different colors to create that gradient shading. 

And here is the end result! Mock Rock partition repainted...check.

This is project #2 for Tuesday. Steam cleaning the dirty grout in the kitchen. 


Steam cleaning is fun. But the one negative is...


...the dirt that flies off and splashes you. 

Pardon my un-pedicured toes. I have removed my dark color since this photo and found the pink glitter I had Morgan paint 3 coats on at Christmas. And you know how glitter polish is. 

At lunch I had to hurry and run to the grocery to pick up stuff to make cheesecake for the evening. My friend Erika asked Lacey and I up to her house in Shipshewana for dinner. 

This is her cat, Lucy. She has extra thumbs so her paws look just like mittens. This is Lucy focused incorrectly because she moved at the last minute. She is nosy and was trying to smell my camera. 

This is the 3 of us...needs flash...arg!

1 comment:

cpainton said...

I like "Paint Cans"