(Hebrew) Word of the Day:
"Yom" (sounds like home with a y instead)
Means "day".
This morning it was so warm! But cold in the bathroom. I'm glad I bought a little heater to turn on when I'm bathing (we have no show, just an old claw-foot tub with handle hose). I've been reading Twilight. I'm almost finished with it. A quick read and I have figured out why everyone loves it. The girls love the way Edward protects and adores Bella. I think God created women with the desire to be pursued and thus Edward's behavior is most appealing. For the guys I think it is the fact that vampires are dangerous and they have unbeatable strength, speed, attractiveness, etc. What man wouldn't want those things? I guess I can say that I'm enjoying the book for entertainment. I am really getting sick of Edward talking all the time repeating how Bella should stay away and how he can't be near her because he wants her blood, blah blah blah. That's what you get with a teenage vampire romance novel...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Word of the Day:

Luddite (luhd-ahyt)
1. Someone who opposes technology or technological advances.
2. A member of any of various bands of workers in England (1811–16) organized to destroy manufacturing machinery, under the belief that its use diminished employment. Band leader: Ned Ludd.
Quite interesting don't you think?
I'm back from Thanksgiving Break and back to writing papers. Boo. I am ready for my classes now to be finished. I am ready for next semester to start just so it can finish quickly. Ready to graduate. But not ready to decide what my next step is...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New Apartment
Emily found us a rent free apartment yesterday. It won't change the cost of living now but it will be more expensive. Emily needs a place where she doesn't have to move out in the summer time. The lady said that she would pay for new flooring and paint. We are watching the house upstairs because the family lives in Atlanta and wants to keep this house in their family but don't want it to be alone. So, she is finding the right people to live and watch out for the house for years it sounds like. It's a good deal and I think Emily and I can do the repairs ourselves. It just makes me want to move into my own home and fix it up and paint and decorate. Senioritis is setting in.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Back in West Virginia...does that really make me a 'mountain momma'?
What a week! I had more homework than I could handle. Had to forgo some reading due to write a paper. I'm taking 17 hours (or 18...can't remember).
Living with Emily is great. I love having a place to call mine (for the time being). Cleaning has become my release. I am constantly straightening and getting things looking homey at the house. I'm so proud of the living room because now we have seating in a circle. I want lots of people to come down and hang out.
I moved my speakers to the kitchen because I'm mostly in there cleaning, cooking, or doing homework at the kitchen table. Housework is a full-time job. Don't dis housewives because they have a lot to take car of. You have to take care of the space you live in.
Mom and Grandma and possibly someone else are coming not this weekend but next weekend to visit. I'm so excited!
Living with Emily is great. I love having a place to call mine (for the time being). Cleaning has become my release. I am constantly straightening and getting things looking homey at the house. I'm so proud of the living room because now we have seating in a circle. I want lots of people to come down and hang out.
I moved my speakers to the kitchen because I'm mostly in there cleaning, cooking, or doing homework at the kitchen table. Housework is a full-time job. Don't dis housewives because they have a lot to take car of. You have to take care of the space you live in.
Mom and Grandma and possibly someone else are coming not this weekend but next weekend to visit. I'm so excited!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Campers are here!

I am so excited that campers are here! I don't think I've ever been this excited and it's weird because I don't really get excited for camp. Camp is just a way of life for me and I always look forward to it in a mello kind of way. But I keep finding myself smiling when I see counselors with their campers, campers together with their friends having fun, program director with a microphone, and people standing in circles. I just love it!! It makes me really happy because I've been thinking about camp and my future for a while now. I've been thinking that really I could be happy doing anything...but in a bad way...I wasn't thrilled about any type job/service. I seem to just look at live in the light that whatever you do is just something you have to do and get over. I'm missing the joy. The joy of living, the joy of being a child of God, the joy of loving the people He has placed in me life. I'm in a joyless rut! So I've decided that I need to figure out what God's word says about joy. I've wrote down all the passages with "joy", I read the passage in context (I understand what is going on before and after the "joy"), and then I write a sort of paraphrase in my own words, I write down the 1. situation that was was before joy 2. the situation after joy 3. what caused the joy. I may right down more things as I see them but for now that is what's going on.
Happy camping!
This picture is from Lake Ann's teens at Fight Night. They are in cabin teams and get all painted up and go into a roped off ring and do crazy team games with food. It's gross but so much fun! After the games are down the towns firemen come in and hose off the teens. I love teens!!! It makes me miss being the North Teen Village Co-Director at Crosley. :(
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lake Ann Camp
I'm back in the States. I just realized that I haven't blogged since February. That's crazy! Israel is miss by me very much. I want to go back and hopefully take Rachel and Casi to for our 25 birthdays.
I spent a couple of weeks back home before coming to camp. It's all new to me. I thought Crosley was large but Lake Ann is like mega camp in comparison. I went for a walk on the grounds today and was realizing more how big it is. Intentional programming is their motto and that is true. I'm enjoying staff training but I'm definitely ready for campers to get here.
I'm coming back home on July 24th for Cami's wedding. I'm doing the hair! And I get to see people that I love!
I spent a couple of weeks back home before coming to camp. It's all new to me. I thought Crosley was large but Lake Ann is like mega camp in comparison. I went for a walk on the grounds today and was realizing more how big it is. Intentional programming is their motto and that is true. I'm enjoying staff training but I'm definitely ready for campers to get here.
I'm coming back home on July 24th for Cami's wedding. I'm doing the hair! And I get to see people that I love!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Yacht trip 2
I don't know why the sound is gone??? The sound is really funny because we are all screaming about seeing the dolphin. I kept saying..."It's right there!" over and over again. It was a once in a life time thing to see dolphins here like that. Yosi, the friend who owns the yacht said that the dolphins love to entertain the people. If there is no one in a boat they go around to the next one. They are so curious! The first one swam kind of one it's side and I could see it looking me with its eye!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
yacht trip
Today the girls and Brough family went to Herzleia and went out on a friends uncle's yacht. It was incredible! But a word to the wise...keep your eyes on the horizon. My motion sickness wasn't bad, just a little uncomfortable. There were big white jellyfish that looked like they were glowing under the beautiful blue water. We had a couple of dolphin friends joined us!
Haven't written in a long time...
Here is an Israeli song that is popular...(ignore the native american stuff...it's suppose to go along with the story because the guy in the song is indian)
Now watch this one...it is so cute!
Now watch this one...it is so cute!
Friday, January 23, 2009
A lost man...
I was listening to the Israeli radio station that plays American/English songs at work one day and I heard this voice that I liked the sound of. I wrote down his name and was going to check out a CD of his. His name is Adam Green. A youtube video caught my attention and I watched it. Adam Green is from New York but is really popular in European countries, especially Germany. It broke my heart. This man has nothing to live for. I praised God for choosing me to believe in Him, because this man was so lost. I think literally if you look in his eyes you see nothing...no hope. Please pray for him. I want for him and others my age to know Yeshua. My life before without the hope I have...I don't want that again. Praise His Holy Name that I know Him!
One video from 2005 and another...
...from 2008
One video from 2005 and another...
...from 2008
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Shalom Aleichem!
I'm unpacking and cleaning stuff from the seminar. Enjoying today because tomorrow we work and the semester will start soon...Back to a more normalness! And I'm happy to be in Israel now!
Friday, January 9, 2009
I'm back from touring
Mom and Karen came and visit/toured Israel for almost two weeks and I am so happy they did! I wanted so much to share the people I've gotten to know and the land with them/family! I love Israel and don't care who knows it (-Elf)! We spent the last 3 days in Jerusalem.
I have to tell everyone don't believe all the crap that the news says about Israel and Gaza. I was watching the news in the hotel in Jerusalem a few nights and couldn't believe how they are portraying Isreal! I was really shocked, really. The media makes Israel look like a killer when the civilians are concerned, but what they don't mention is how Israel has complete control over Gaza's electricity and water and are/have been keeping the people in Gaza alive. Egypt doesn't want anything to do with the Arabs in Gaza- Egypt is Arabic and won't help their own Arabic people. Check out a more accurate source for Israeli news: Jerusalem Post. jpost.com
Thursday, January 1, 2009
BII Seminar
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