I am so excited that campers are here! I don't think I've ever been this excited and it's weird because I don't really get excited for camp. Camp is just a way of life for me and I always look forward to it in a mello kind of way. But I keep finding myself smiling when I see counselors with their campers, campers together with their friends having fun, program director with a microphone, and people standing in circles. I just love it!! It makes me really happy because I've been thinking about camp and my future for a while now. I've been thinking that really I could be happy doing anything...but in a bad way...I wasn't thrilled about any type job/service. I seem to just look at live in the light that whatever you do is just something you have to do and get over. I'm missing the joy. The joy of living, the joy of being a child of God, the joy of loving the people He has placed in me life. I'm in a joyless rut! So I've decided that I need to figure out what God's word says about joy. I've wrote down all the passages with "joy", I read the passage in context (I understand what is going on before and after the "joy"), and then I write a sort of paraphrase in my own words, I write down the 1. situation that was was before joy 2. the situation after joy 3. what caused the joy. I may right down more things as I see them but for now that is what's going on.
Happy camping!
This picture is from Lake Ann's teens at Fight Night. They are in cabin teams and get all painted up and go into a roped off ring and do crazy team games with food. It's gross but so much fun! After the games are down the towns firemen come in and hose off the teens. I love teens!!! It makes me miss being the North Teen Village Co-Director at Crosley. :(
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