Friday, November 7, 2008

Not much to say...

I am going to bed very early tonight because last night I went to bed at 3am and took a 3 hour nap before I had to get up again. I was preparing for Modern History of Israel class. I was teaching for an hour the events of the Independence War from 1948- 1949. It took me so long because I was putting together a power point presentation and researching about what each enemy country was doing.
Check this out: When the Jewish people were given land from the United Nations in the 1947 Palestine Partition Plan they started the state of Israel. It had been 2,ooo years since the Jewish people were in "nationhood". the last time...which also very interesting to me... was when the 2nd Temple was destroyed. Jerusalem was attacked by the Romans who were led by Titus. Titus completely destroyed the whole Temple...they left nothing. And to celebrate their victory and to humiliate the Jewish people they forced them to carry the sold gold menorah on their backs throughout the streets of Jerusalem. Now this menorah was huge, weighing probably about a hundred pounds. In Rome, after Titus died a monument was erected to commorate him and his capturing of Jerusalem. The monument is the Arch of Titus just a little north of the Coliseum in Rome. Everyone will know what it is because it is famous. Just look it up. But on the inside of the arch there is a scene of the Jews carrying the Menorah. And it is said that the Roman Catholics still have the Menorah in their ancient relic vaults under the west wing of the Vatican. But it is also said that when the Romans came back with treasures from the fallen Jerusalem that their was a terrible storm the caused the ship to sink. So to which one is truth? God knows. and now to get off my rabbit trail... Eight hours after Israel declared independence on May 14th 1948 Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt invaded Israel (before Israel the whole area where it is now was called Palestine, some people still call it Palestine today but Israel the country is not. Palestine is Arabs and them wanting the land of Israel for themselves and to be called Palestine. I pretty sure I'm correct on this info, but it is still confusing to me.) Israel was so small and 5 huge countries attacked all at once! And not even those countries but also the Arabs that were living inside the new state of Israel attacked. Israel won obviously and lost 6,000 people (something like 30,000 injured) and all the casualities of the other countries including local Arabs were 7,000. You can see God's hand in Israel because they were so outnumbered that it was crazy!

I have an assignment for readers of this post:

Please bookmark It is an English newspaper in Israel that tells all the news of the US and Israel. And it is closer to honest reporting...not like CNN or BBC. Anyways read an article and if you have any questions or don't understand it ask me. I have learned so much and can now see what it really going on over here. And if you have any questions other than news, ask me. The BII staff told me that people in the states will ask questions like, "do you have refrigarators?" and the like because they think with all the terrorist activities that the land is a third world country war zone or something. Israel is no third world country!

1 comment:

cpainton said...

Heather, You are so awesome!