Friday, November 28, 2008

Answer to the pole

The answer to the pole I had on the side of the blog was:

"To be in a soundproof room with a drum set. "

This pole adding thing was kind of dumb because I couldn't see who voted what. I'm thinking that Rachel and Casi are the only two voters. I think that Rachel voted correct because I had told her this before. Casi I think voted for the feet in the jello because I don't think she was there when I told Rachel about the drum thing.

Today we are decorating the house for Christmas!

This picture is when I was home for Christmas from West Virginia last year. It snowed like crazy!! I'm going to miss the snow a little bit. If I could have it my way I would have a week of really bad snow so that you were stuck and could play games and watch movies with the family!


Anonymous said...

aww... i like doing that, too! (being snowed in so you have to play games and watch movies with the family)

cpainton said...

I never voted...this is actually the first day I had a chance to get on the the way I miss you like nothing else, we need to skype ASAP!!!