Monday, February 28, 2011

Playing "Mom" All We Long

Yes, I get to play "Mom"...practicing on my cousins. Hee hee! Tonight I made them spaghetti with red sauce and potatoes skins with meat and cheese. I was impatient with the pototoes (I was hungry myself) and they were still a little firm in the middle when I tried scooping out some of the flesh...which made them break in half. Poo

Sophie is the sweetest dog ever! I am going to enjoy having her here with me all day.

Kids have a big schedule and I really admire Aaron & Stephenie's rule of no video games during the week. We will work on math...yuck. But I can say that I'm better at Bailey's algebra than Morgan's fractions...thank you Mrs. Harris for the algebra and sorry Mom I still don't understand fractions (sometimes). But I do good grammer just like yous!

1 comment:

cpainton said...

You are in my prayers this weekend. Your grammar is fantastic :D