Thursday, April 8, 2010

Springtime, I love you

Bloomin' Tulips it's springtime! This past weekend there was a miraculous thunderstorm. Sara and I went out onto the porch. I love the smell of thunderstorms. I'm getting more stressed everyday thinking about all the homework that needs to get done. It will get done, I just need chunk of time. 10 or 15 minutes breaks in between jobs, class, commutes, etc. doesn't cut it. It seems that I need a long time to get into the grove of a homework project. A N Y W A Y S

I had a great class in Camp Administration and Governance. A director from a camp in Ohio that ABC is connected to was a special speaker for the class and talked about marketing. I have many new incites and excitements in camping's marketing world. What he said also inspired me to get more ambitious and driven with my future. I've been thinking about starting some sort of amazon, ebay, or etsy account and sell some of the things I find thrifting or create myself. I'm gonna due it and I'm gonna write it out in a plan that I can see. Goals goals goals. Mr. Pritt is all about the goals and he gets tons of useful stuff done.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Everything Salad on a Tuesday...

Today after class and work I came back and chopped up vegetables for a BII Everything Salad. You see, today is Meredith's 21st birthday. (Meredith is currently my roommate and old housemate of Israel). She drove back to WV from PA and started at Berkshire's. We were planning on going to Starbucks afterward but it was a busy night so we came back to the apartment. Funfetti cake with polka dots and espresso shots.

Sara, my Signing cousin, came out to WV to visit. We went on a 1.6 mile hike that ended up being 4 miles (we got lost). Ate a lot. KP's Mexican Restaurant deserved a finger down the throat, but that's a long story that's really only interesting to the people that were involved...


Friday, April 2, 2010

Funny word

Word of the Day for Thursday, April 1, 2010

hugger-mugger \HUH-guhr-muh-guhr\, noun:

1. A disorderly jumble; muddle; confusion.
2. Secrecy; concealment.

1. Confused; muddled; disorderly.
2. Secret.

1. In a muddle or confusion.
2. Secretly.

transitive verb:
1. To keep secret.

intransitive verb:
1. To act in a secretive manner.

Tonight was the Spring 2010 ABC Coffee House. It was the best one yet. Everything was funny, well except for the freshman skit. . . It was a little off. Now I'm not going to able to sleep because I had the Pike's Place brew. Rats!